
and California

This site was created and is maintained by Benjamin Coultrup.

Photos all ©Benjamin Coultrup unless otherwise indicated, 1984-2021.





Clade I, Subclade 1

Subgenus Erodium

 - Section Erodium

 - Section Oxyrynchia

 - stephanianum group

Clade I, Subclade 2

Subgenus Barbata

 - Section  Absinthoidea

Clade II, Subclade 3

 - cygnorum group

Clade II, Subclade 4

 - botrys group

 - Section Cicutaria,

   - Subsection Cicutaria

   - Subsection Acaulia

 - Section Malacoidea

   - Subsection Reichardia

   - Subsection Malacoidea

 - Section Foetida


Literature and References


Erodium atlanticum Coss.

Perennial plant with a  tough woody taproot, whole plant densely pilose with long acicular hairs 1-2mm; crown is a mass of short stems covered in old rich brown and hairy stipules 5-7mm, with a broad short mucro 1mm.

Inflorescence: Umbels of 4-7 flowers are axillary, rising directly from base of the plant;  sepals with mucro 0.5-1mm;  petals pink, 5-nerved, ovate, subequal and turned back, upper 2 with blotch made up of oval and triangular marks.


Erodium cossonii Guitt & Matiez

Plants with a furrow beneath the foveole were separated as E. cossonii, but E. cossonii is now considered a synonym.

Erodium guinochetianum Guitt.

Erodium atlanticum, in cultivation, Tenterden, Kent, UK, 12/09/2012

Leaves: lower leaves are entire to 50mm on 100mm petioles, long oval, serrate, upper leaves entire to trilobed, crenate; stipules free.

Erodium atlanticum; Photo credit : Bernadette Baud;  licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Fruit: Mericarp 5-6mm; foveoles with capitate glands; with or without furrow. Beak 2-3.5cm.

2n=20 Guitt.

Distribution: endemic in Morocco in shady clefts of little chalk cliffs: rocks of mountains, calcareous and silicaceous.

Erodium atlanticum; Photo credit : Jean-Claude Thiaudière;  licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Erodium atlanticum; Photo credit : Jean-Claude Thiaudière;  licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Erodium atlanticum; Photo credit : Jean-Claude Thiaudière;  licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).