
and California

This site was created and is maintained by Benjamin Coultrup.

Photos all ©Benjamin Coultrup unless otherwise indicated, 1984-2021.





Clade I, Subclade 1

Subgenus Erodium

 - Section Erodium

 - Section Oxyrynchia

 - stephanianum group

Clade I, Subclade 2

Subgenus Barbata

 - Section  Absinthoidea

Clade II, Subclade 3

 - cygnorum group

Clade II, Subclade 4

 - botrys group

 - Section Cicutaria,

   - Subsection Cicutaria

   - Subsection Acaulia

 - Section Malacoidea

   - Subsection Reichardia

   - Subsection Malacoidea

 - Section Foetida


Literature and References


Section Foetida

Foetidum series

Stipules adnate on half or more of their length, triangular or broadly triangular. Petals subequal, overlapping, little or no blotch, nectaries equal, sub-bilobed, wider than tall                        

Erodium foetidum (L)L’Her.

Erodium rupestre (Pourret) Marcet.

Erodium celtibericum Pau

Erodium crispum Lapeyr.

Erodium saxatile Pau

Erodium rodiei (Br-Bl)Poiron

Glandulosum series

Stipules triangular or narrowly triangular adnate on less than one third of the length. Lower petals narrower, not overlapping, upper petals unequal and strongly blotched, nectaries spherical and unequal, taller than wide.


Erodium glandulosum (Cav.)Willd.

Erodium paularense Fern. Gonz. & Izco

Erodium heteradenum  (Pau et F.Quer) Guitt.

Erodium cheilanthifolium Boiss.

Erodium antariense Rouy

Key to Section  Foetida

1. Stipules joined on half or more of their length, triangular or broadly triangular. Petals subequal, little or not blotched ……………..........Foetidum series ………………………… 6

1. Stipules triangular or narrowly triangular, joined on less than a third of their length. Petals unequal, upper strongly blotched …………............Glandulosum series ……………….... 2

2. Rostrum 25-30 mm, mericarps 6-7 mm, with foveoles suborbicular and densely ciliate on the external border .................. 4

2. Rostrum 35-59 mm, mericarps 7-9.8 mm, with foveoles quadrangular (and even narrowly auriculate) deep, and external border little ciliate.............……..... 3

3. Rostrum 35-42 mm, mericarps 7-9.8 mm, foveole rather oval, leaves green, soft-pubescent, with eglandular-hairs, and glandular hairs ……….…………..    E. heteradenum

3. rostrum 44-59 mm, mericarps 7-9.8 mm, foveole round, leaves silver-green, odorous, with patent eglandular hairs, and some scattered glands ……….……… E. paularense

4. Petals white, leaflets erect, ruffled or situated in the plane of the leaf………………………………..…….  5

4. Inferior petals pink, superior petals violet. Leaflets green, glabrescent or a little hairy, situated in the plane of the leaf. Cotyledons entire ………….…….    E. glandulosum

5. Petals white; leaves silvery, with dense adpressed silver eglandular hairs; leaflets situated in the plane of the leaf (Morocco) …………………..….…… E. antariense

5. Petals white with violet veins, leaves grey-green, soft-pubescent, leaflets erect, ruffled, with erect eglandular hairs. Cotyledons trilobed (Spain) ….…………………..  E. cheilanthifolium

6. Mericarps 7-10 mm with foveoles auriculate. Petals more than 15mm (corolla 2.5-3 cm diameter), veins concoloured ………………… 10

6. Mericarps 5-7 mm. Petals less the 14 mm (corolla 1-2 cm diameter) ……………………….. 7

7. Petals white, upper slightly spotted, or not .………………..… 9

7. Petals pink, veined but not at all spotted ……………………….. 8

8. Leaflets with ultimate divisions in the same plane as the leaf; rostrum 18-25mm …….….….…. E. foetidum

8. Leaflets with ultimate divisions erect-ruffled; rostrum 25-30 mm …..….…....... E. saxatile

9. Leaflets with ultimate divisions in the same plane as the leaf, upper surface canescent silky (silvery with adpressed acicular hairs) …………….……   E. rupestre

9. Leaflets with ultimate divisions erect-ruffled, and with glandular hairs ……………....    E. celtibericum

10. Rostrum 15-25 mm. Foveoles ciliate on the external border. Leaves with ultimate divisions oval, glandular. Cotyledons entire. Inflorescence with 2-6 flowers. Petals pale pink ……………….……  E. crispum

10. Rostrum 30-40 mm. Foveoles not ciliate on the external border. Ultimate divisions linear and glabrescent. Cotyledons trilobed. Inflorescence with 8-15 flowers. Petals deep pink …………….……………  E. rodiei