
and California

This site was created and is maintained by Benjamin Coultrup.

Photos all ©Benjamin Coultrup unless otherwise indicated, 1984-2021.





Clade I, Subclade 1

Subgenus Erodium

 - Section Erodium

 - Section Oxyrynchia

 - stephanianum group

Clade I, Subclade 2

Subgenus Barbata

 - Section  Absinthoidea

Clade II, Subclade 3

 - cygnorum group

Clade II, Subclade 4

 - botrys group

 - Section Cicutaria,

   - Subsection Cicutaria

   - Subsection Acaulia

 - Section Malacoidea

   - Subsection Reichardia

   - Subsection Malacoidea

 - Section Foetida


Literature and References


Erodium hendrikii Alpinar

Annual caulescent herb with short roots; stems ascending, 5-35cm, with very short deflexed hairs, glandular.

Leaves: Basal leaves ovate to deltoid, nearly cordate at base, coarsely lobed, crenate, pubescent on both sides, 2.5-3.5 x 18-2.5 cm; petioles long; cauline leaves ovate to deltoid-ovate, ± 5-7 lobed, irregularly crenate-dentate. 1-2cm x 0.7 cm, densely short glandular-pubescent; stipule triangular, with eglandular hairs, 4-5.5 mm

Inflorescence: axillary umbels with 5-9 flowers; bracts 0.3-0.5 x 0.1-0.2 mm, triangular; sepals ovate-oblong 4-5.5 x 1.1-1.6 mm at flowering6-7.5 x 2-3 mm in fruit, shortly ciliate along the margins; mucro 1 mm, without long hairs at the tips; petals whitish 6-10 mm, claw ciliate; stamens yellow; stigma yellow

Fruit: Rostrum 22-32 mm; mericarp 6-7.5mm; foveole has a furrow beneath. 2n=

Distribution: endemic to Turkey; Gumushane: Yagmurdere at 1800m (type loc.)

Close to E. malacoides but differs in the indumentum of the stem (lacking long hairs), leaves (lacking long hairs and sessile glands), and ciliate sepals (not only towards tips and white petals. Flowers larger.