
and California

This site was created and is maintained by Benjamin Coultrup.

Photos all ©Benjamin Coultrup unless otherwise indicated, 1984-2021.





Clade I, Subclade 1

Subgenus Erodium

 - Section Erodium

 - Section Oxyrynchia

 - stephanianum group

Clade I, Subclade 2

Subgenus Barbata

 - Section  Absinthoidea

Clade II, Subclade 3

 - cygnorum group

Clade II, Subclade 4

 - botrys group

 - Section Cicutaria,

   - Subsection Cicutaria

   - Subsection Acaulia

 - Section Malacoidea

   - Subsection Reichardia

   - Subsection Malacoidea

 - Section Foetida


Literature and References


Erodium toussidanum Guitt.

Annual; stem 0-15cm.

Leaves: leaves small, narrowly oval, almost trilobed and similar to those of E. Maritimum.

Inflorescence: Sepals with a blunt mucro.

Fruit: Rostrum 15-18mm; foveole small, suborbicular, bordered by a small fold, eglandular and lacking infrafoveolar furrow; awn with 4-6 turns and with very tight basal turns and with rigid hairs of unequal length on the outside.


Distribution: endemic to Toussidé (N Africa, Sahara, N W Chad) at 3000m in tufa, in front of extinct volcanic fumaroles which still emit water vapour.

Its mericarps with an awn with 4-6 turns and with very tight basal turns and with  rigid hairs of unequal length on the outside, which makes it possible to distinguish it from E. chium. The small and suborbicular foveole and the sepals with blunt mucro allow it to be separated from E. alnifolium.