
and California

This site was created and is maintained by Benjamin Coultrup.

Photos all ©Benjamin Coultrup unless otherwise indicated, 1984-2021.





Clade I, Subclade 1

Subgenus Erodium

 - Section Erodium

 - Section Oxyrynchia

 - stephanianum group

Clade I, Subclade 2

Subgenus Barbata

 - Section  Absinthoidea

Clade II, Subclade 3

 - cygnorum group

Clade II, Subclade 4

 - botrys group

 - Section Cicutaria,

   - Subsection Cicutaria

   - Subsection Acaulia

 - Section Malacoidea

   - Subsection Reichardia

   - Subsection Malacoidea

 - Section Foetida


Literature and References


Erodium stellatum Del.

Annual; caulescent

Leaves: Leaves pinnate; leaflets 1-2 pinnatisect, no intercalary leaflets.

Inflorescence: Flowers pink; petals large, unequal; upper 2 petals twice as long as the sepals, spotted with purple at the base and feathered, suborbicular and abruptly contracted into a short claw, 8.5-9.5mm long x 7-7.5mm wide; staminodes hirsute and ciliate; stamen filaments with 2 teeth at base.

Fruit: Beak 4-6cm; fibers of the mericarp ridge of unequal length; foveole has a narrow furrow beneath; cotyledons trisect. 2n=20 Guitt.

Distribution: endemic to Morocco, on the Moroccan plateau.

Filaments of fertile stamens strongly dilated dentate at the base. Unequal petals, the upper 2 , . .